Three winners of the German Fairness Award 2023 and four organizers will be on stage.

We made it! luckycloud wins German Fairness Award 2023

What an evening! Last Thursday, we took first place in the cloud provider category of the German Fairness Award. We are still quite overwhelmed and happy about all the different aspects.

We are fairest cloud provider 2023!

In brief: This year, the German Institute for Service Quality and the news channel ntv once again launched a survey representative of the population. A good 73,000 participants rated companies in several categories on the subject of fairness. In the cloud provider category, we won the race! We scored top points in the areas of value for money, reliability and transparency and held our own among the seven competitors.

These are all aspects that define our company philosophy. Sure, data security is the be-all and end-all of our cloud solutions. But the heart is also the service we offer. Transparent processes, reliable customer service and open ears are just as important - and critical to success.

Cloud giants shaken off

What makes us particularly proud. The field of competitors was tough. Among them were cloud giants like Ionos Cloud, Strato Hidrive and Telekom Magenta Cloud. However, our high standards in terms of security, transparency, customer service and, above all, products that can be individually adapted to the needs of our customers were able to stand up to the big names and luckycloud overtook the competition.

A sign that we are already doing many things well. But of course we are not resting on our laurels. Especially in the area of data synchronization, we have a few exciting innovations planned for the near future. Space-saving and fast are the key words here. We are therefore looking strongly towards future improvements," summarizes Luc Mader.

You can find out more about the Fairness Award in the press release from ntv and DISQ .

Want to put our cloud through its paces yourself? Then test our products free of charge for 14 days .

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