Administrative Building of the Gütersloh District

Cloud for Public Administration: How the Gütersloh District is Mastering the Digital Transformation

The Gütersloh District has successfully addressed the current challenges facing authorities, municipalities, and public administrations by introducing an innovative solution for secure data exchange with luckycloud.

Digitalization is in full swing and public administrations face the task of making their work processes more efficient and modern while ensuring the security of sensitive data. The district of Gütersloh has thoroughly addressed these issues and recognized: the key lies in cloud computing for municipalities. By introducing luckycloud, the district of Gütersloh impressively demonstrates how a cloud-based data exchange platform for authorities combines efficient work with the highest security standards.

Data Protection and Digitalization in Public Administration

One of the biggest challenges in using cloud solutions in public administrations is undoubtedly data protection. Particularly sensitive data, such as that processed daily in authorities and administrations, requires a maximum level of security and data protection. The district of Gütersloh took this challenge seriously from the beginning and intensively dealt with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Lukas Tröger, IT system administrator and employee of the IT and Central Services department at the district of Gütersloh, emphasizes: "For us, it was crucial that our cloud provider meets the strict requirements of the GDPR, especially when processing sensitive data such as health and social data."

Making the Right Choice: luckycloud as the Optimal Cloud Solution for Municipalities

After a thorough analysis and comparison of various providers, the district of Gütersloh chose luckycloud. The platform convinced with extensive functionalities, ease of use, and an attractive cost model. The ability to visually adapt the platform to the appearance of the district of Gütersloh with luckycloud Enterprise was particularly well-received. "This is particularly charming for us as it provides our users with a familiar environment," explains Lukas Tröger.

Personalized Login Screen

Seamless Cloud Implementation and Successful Start

The introduction of the cloud solution went smoothly, accompanied by a thorough preparation phase. The IT department of the district of Gütersloh tested the platform's functionalities and clarified data protection issues in advance. This resulted in an efficient transition, which was positively received by the staff and all other users.

Versatile Cloud Use in Administration: Practical Examples from the District of Gütersloh

Today, over 100 employees of the district of Gütersloh use the luckycloud cloud solution for various tasks in their daily work. There are also countless indirect users, such as recipients of release links. This brings numerous advantages to various departments of the district of Gütersloh. Here are some specific application examples:

  • File access: Employees upload files to luckycloud, generate a release link with a password and expiration date, and send it to the recipient.
  • Project-based collaboration: Departments such as Civil Protection use the cloud to work on documents and projects together with other districts in East Westphalia-Lippe.
  • Document exchange: Building applications, file inspections, and installation files can be efficiently and securely shared with luckycloud.
  • Collaboration with external service providers: Installation files for specialized applications can be provided via upload links, saving time and minimizing security risks from sending data carriers.
  • Use by the Veterinary Office: Photos from inspections are securely transmitted to other districts via the cloud, making email attachment limitations irrelevant.

These versatile use cases show how luckycloud's cloud solution makes everyday work easier and increases efficiency. The IT department is relieved, as no own infrastructure is needed anymore and the postal route for documents is eliminated. This saves time and resources, and employees can focus on their core tasks.

Successful Digitalization in the District of Gütersloh: A Conclusion

The district of Gütersloh has shown that effective digitalization of administrative processes with the right partner is possible. By successfully implementing a cloud solution, not only was efficiency increased, but the security of sensitive data was also ensured. The cloud solution offers the necessary flexibility and security for a modern administration and demonstrates how cities and municipalities can successfully master digitalization.

Do you also want to make your administration fit for the future? Start our advisor now and find the right solution for your municipality or authority and test luckycloud for 14 days completely free of charge!

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