Digital Work

Digital working takes many forms and affects more and more people - workers who travel a lot, professionals who have to work in a home office due to pandemics, employees who live further away or the self-employed. What they all have in common is a focus on using digital tools to perform their jobs. On this page, you'll learn about the possibilities of working digitally and the opportunities, but also the challenges, that come along with it.

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What means digital work?

Digitization is shaping more and more areas of society. One of these is the world of work. The Corona crisis in particular has shown that many professional tasks can be performed online and digital working has a future. It is changing working conditions permanently. Computer-based applications enable companies and their employees to work online from anywhere at any time. The digitized workplace is no longer tied to offices and location-based computers.

This enables companies to implement projects independently of time and location and to collaborate effectively with people all over the world. To do this, they must constantly adapt to the changed work processes and structures in the course of digitization. This process is also defined as Work 4.0.

What do I need, to work online?

Anyone who wants to work digitally first needs a connection to the Internet. This requires a corresponding infrastructure in the form of mobile networks or fixed-network connections with sufficient data rates. In addition, equipment with mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets or notebooks is necessary as an alternative or supplement to the stationary PC.

Digital work succeeds through Internet-based technologies such as cloud storage or communication tools like platforms for video telephony:

  • Communication via e-mail, chat or virtual meeting platforms - ideal in corona times with distance bids
  • Data storage in the cloud with shared access for location- and time-independent project work - local storage solutions take a back seat or fall away
  • Use project management programs for high project complexity, many employees, and for easy integration with enterprise resource planning (ERP) and other enterprise-wide systems

Advantages and disadvantages the work 4.0

The changes in the digitalized working world bring both advantages and disadvantages:


  • Higher flexibility:Digital working enables flexible working conditions in terms of working hours and work locations.
  • decentralized working:Thanks to the use of collaboration tools, employees can work together on projects from anywhere.
  • Improved communication:Digitization is creating shorter communication channels. Virtual communication spaces such as video conferences are replacing the classic meeting.
  • more time:Digitized work processes and routine tasks reduce administrative efforts. Companies improve their time management through rapid data exchange.
  • weniger Kosten: 44% of German companies have been able to increase their revenue through digitization. This is achieved, among other things, through optimized processes that save resources and money. There are fewer traditional costs for office supplies, telephone and travel.


  • Challenges for corporate culture:If staff no longer meet in person, this may make it more difficult to build and expand a corporate culture.
  • constant accessibility: Permanent accessibility can result in digital stress and reduce the productivity and motivation of the workforce.
  • aggravated team building:Increased flexibility makes it more difficult for teams to build and cohere, and for them to work together over the long term. Companies can meet this challenge with team-building measures such as online games.
Several people sit across from each other at a desk, typing on their laptops and talking.

Status Quo and Future
of digital working in Germany

The Digitization Index for SMEs 2019/2020 shows that the level of digitization is increasing across all industries and company sizes. Nevertheless, not all companies are taking advantage of the opportunities offered by digitization. Many still see it as a strategic project for the future.

Companies that have adapted to the digital transformation are already reaping its benefits. The prerequisite for this is sustainable implementation, a good mix of presence times and home office, and broad acceptance among employees.

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